Joanna Sun
Christine Cheng
David Tian
Ceclia Zhu
Elena Liang
Whether you're hiring a personal trainer for weight loss, strength and conditioning, comp prep and more. Check out what our customers have to say.
I lost 15% of the fat in my treated areas
Cool Sculpting really is the non-surgical alternative to liposuction
Is fat freezing legit? Absolutely
I lost 20% of fat in my arms, legs, and chin
Friendly staff who keep you informed every step of the way
I have now joined the gym to maintain my new figure
Not a substitute for the gym, but they help with those stubborn areas
I lost 2kgs without ever stepping foot in a gym
I lost 7cm from my stomach
It works
I lost 5cm
I had 3 treatments and I look like a different person
Fantastic for harder areas
One Body Personal Training's fat freezing machines are top of the line
I lost 5kgs and I'm still losing weight
Outstanding through and through
Forget liposuction
Outstanding service with results to match!
I look way more ripped overall
Special thanks to the One Body Team